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The knowledge you need to capitalize on the opportunities and overcome the threats to your organization already resides in your team, in your department, and throughout your organization. If you are not seeing the results you expect from leadership at any level, we can add value by showing you how to use play to encourage creative problem solving at all levels of leadership.

We are especially passionate about sharing our methods to accelerate the development of emerging and established leaders - an investment that can deliver significant short term and long-term quality benefits to your employees, students, customers, patients, their families, and the broader communities you serve. 


The precursor to a high performing healthcare organization is highly functioning teams. Such teams are composed of high performing individuals behaving cohesively. If unhealthy conflict is plaguing any of your teams, or if any of your teams are flat and underperforming, we can show you how to re-energize them and get the results you need and expect.

We would love to show you how to use play to engage your teams and align your individual efforts to expand their capacity to consistently deliver high quality services. The communities you serve deserve the very best from every member of every team in your organization.



In its purest form strategy is a plan for victory. To experience victory, you must clearly define its terms and keep accurate score. Using a play analogy, the terms of victory are entirely dependent on the type of game you play and rules that govern it. Often we find that underperforming organizations are pursuing a highly aspirational mission with an infinite time horizon, yet they are playing by the rules of a finite game. This is akin to pursuing a strategy to win at tic-tac-toe while committing to end world hunger.

If you are not achieving the outcomes your customers, employees, and patients expect and deserve, we would love to show you how playing with strategy can guide you to develop plans for victory that align your limited resources with a sustainable, infinite mission. Better yet, we would love to open up the world of serious play to you and demonstrate how play can facilitate the execution of those strategies to achieve your operational goals.


We have lots of great stories related to the many hero's journey's we have taken with organizations. If you are looking for ways to educate your leadership team(s) or governing board(s), or enhance the skill of your staff we are here to share those experiences to engage and inspire anyone who is critical to your success. Give us a chance to show you how play can engage and educate your many key stakeholders and activate them to help you win.



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